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August 1953 Coup Detat

1953 Coup in Iran

August 1953 Coup d'état

The 1953 coup in Iran was a coup d'état that occurred in August 1953. It resulted in the overthrow of the democratically elected government of Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh and the installation of a dictatorship under Mohammad Reza Pahlavi.

Operation Ajax

The coup was planned and executed by the British government and the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). It was codenamed "Operation Ajax" and was designed to remove Mossadegh from power after he nationalised the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company.

Mohammad Mossadegh

Mohammad Mossadegh was a lawyer, professor, author, Governor, Parliament member, and Finance Minister. He was elected Prime Minister of Iran in 1951 and quickly became a popular figure. Mossadegh's nationalisation of the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company made him a target of the British government, which was determined to maintain its control over Iranian oil.

The 1953 coup had a profound impact on Iranian history. It led to the overthrow of the democratic government and the establishment of a dictatorship. The coup also marked the beginning of a long period of tension between Iran and the West.
